Soul Collage©

A multi card mirror of yourself and your soul

Soul Collage© is a gentle and beautiful tool to integrate insights and feelings that arise in a therapy session. Creating something meaningful that you can bring home and reflect on is a wonderful, and often essential reminder of your experience.

Soul Collage© is a process that invites individuals to access deep intuitive wisdom through imagery and collage. This process of creating a deck of collaged cards evokes innate healing, self-discovery, and discernment of our most skillful self.

The cards can be used to guide you through life’s questions and transitions. It is also a great tool for deep listening to ourselves and to others. When we care for our soul, our instinctual body we can find a place to land that feels supportive and alive.

I welcome any questions you might have about this beautiful and engaging process.

More Info: or call 415.328.7337
Soul Collage©